Amber Dailey-Hebert, Ph.D.
Educational Innovator, Professor, Consultant, Lifelong Learner
I believe that education has the power to transform our lives and society. Having lived and worked abroad, I’ve been fortunate to be part of collaborative efforts around the globe (academic, research, government & consulting) that leverage emergent technologies & innovative facilitation methods - to revolutionize the learning landscape.
Skills & Experience
Educational Background
PhD - Cornell University (Adult & Organizational Learning)
M.S. - Texas A&M University (Leadership Development & Distance Education)
B.S. - Texas A&M University
Academic Positions
- Founding Director, Faculty Center for Innovation
- Founding & Executive Director, Center for Excellence in Teaching & Learning
- Associate Dean, School for Online Learning
- Department Chair, Adult & Organization Learning Graduate Program (M.Ed.)
- Senior Project Leader, Educational Research & Development
- Program Coordinator, Adult Education Graduate Program (M.Ed.)
- Full Professor, Adult Education & Organizational Learning, Park University
- NSF Grant Assistantship, Cornell Department of Education
Professional & Workplace Learning
Ubiquitous, Virtual & eLearning
Learning Innovations in Higher Education
Educational Development Projects
Collaborations to innovate and improve education around the world
Wiley Professional Development Series (Paris/NY)
Expert on Learning in the Digital Age
Selected by Wiley as an expert in eLearning to develop & record a series ("Learning in the Digital Age") of 19 videos, translated into 20+ different languages and shared with their 7 million employee subscribers and organizations around the world. The modules provide accessible professional development modules on learning in the digital age for Professional HR directors, employees, and organizational leaders across workplace domains. To view an overview of the series click HERE.
Problem-Based Learning MOOC (Massive Open Online Course)
PBL MOOC Facilitator Team
The unique and innovative challenge of this project was to develop a MOOC in line with a Problem-Based Learning model, focusing on small group interactive learning within the largely accessible MOOC environment (providing free education to 2,000+ participants around the world). As part of the project team, I was engaged in developing, facilitating and assessing this experiment in large-scale open access, small group learning.
Learning & Working Project
(Maastricht, Netherlands)
Project Team Leader
Under the leadership of Wim Gijselaers, this 3-year initiative was a 1 million euro, grant-funded project by Maastricht University. I served as project leader, with the aim to develop education programs and courses using blended and fully online learning, to enable part-time students & professionals to study flexibly using Maastricht's Problem-Based Learning philosophy. It involved all schools of the university in a collaborative & joint effort. During this time, 34 courses and programs were created serving 809 learners in 21 countries. To learn more click HERE
NICHE International Project
(Mozambique, Africa)
Subject Matter Expert
Under the leadership of Herco Fonteijn and Annechien Deelman, this 4-year project was funded by a division of the European Union (EU) and Maastricht University (UM), with the aim to support teaching staff and teacher training - linked to the NICHE project 'Student-centered learning at Universidade Edouardo Mondlane' in Maputo, Mozambique. The project helped rethink implementation of capacity development projects in third world countries. I was part of the project team and served as a subject matter expert for self-directed learning/teaching and the use of emergent technologies. To learn more click HERE.
Enterprise U
Professional Development
Project Development Team
Enterprise U aimed to create a competitive advantage for organizations and their employees through innovative education and training in emotional intelligence, critical thinking, and proactive development. This non-profit organization sought to empower learners (particularly millennials, recent graduates, novice or veteran employees) to leverage their skills and talents to better themselves and their organizations. I served as a subject matter expert, & curricular designer for this project as a member of the project development team.
International Guest Lectureship
Duisburg, Germany
Guest Lecturer/Presenter
The grant-funded project, awarded to Dr. Martin Rehm at the University of Duisburg in Germany, supported a weeklong lectureship series in which I was hosted to conduct seminars and workshops on media didactics, change management & innovation in higher education, and networked learning for working professionals. Sessions included training, collaboration and knowledge sharing for students & faculty, with the opportunity to pursue a collaborative research ventures on the associated topics of learning & innovation.
A Renaissance in Great College Teaching
(United States)
ACUE Course Facilitator
The grant-funded project, in partnership with the American Council of Education (ACE) and the Association of College and University Educators (ACUE), selected 17 institutions to participate in the faculty development and training initiative. I served as facilitator of two cohorts of 50 faculty from around the country during the 8-month training in teaching best practices. The initiative sought to provide professional development & continuous learning for faculty to integrate innovative strategies and techniques to improve their teaching and to improve the student learning experience.
To learn more click HERE.
(AMEP) State Department & Department of Defense
(Mozambique, Africa)
Facilitator & Subject Matter Expert
In partnership with the United States Department of Defense and State Department, I served as a subject matter expert on a project with a mission to improve defense education in Africa in an effort to stabilize governments and promote peace in the region. In collaboration with John Hagen, we created curriculum to institute a Master Instructor Program within the AMEP (African Military Education Program) with the ISEDEF (Higher Institute of Defense Studies). We trained designated master instructors and provided professional development for training and establishing a sustainable educational development program. This work was completed on the ground in Maputo.
Academic Impressions Series: Engaging & Motivating Students
Expert on Engaging Learners Online
Selected by Academic Impressions as an expert in eLearning to present as the keynote/co-facilitator (with Brian Raison from Ohio State University) for a series on "Effectively Engaging & Motivating Students Through Online Learning". During each of the 5-hr. workshops, we supported instructors transitioning to online teaching amidst the global pandemic in the spring and summer of 2020. Topics included 1) strategies to become a more engaging online instructor, 2) creating an engaging online community of learners and 3) practices /tools to create engaging content online. The development sessions included instructors across the country from a variety of institutions.
POD Innovation Award Finalist
Professional & Organizational Development Network in Higher Education (POD) - 2017
Exceptional Program Award
Association for Continuing &
Higher Education (ACHE) - 2015
Curriculum Innovation Award
Commission of Professors in Adult Education (CPAE) - 2013
Creative Use of Technology Award
Association of Continuing & Higher Education (ACHE) - 2010
Carnegie CASTL Affiliate
Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching & Learning - 2009
Outstanding Innovation (POD) Professional & Organizational Development Network in Higher Education - 2007
Amber's Published Books
Handbook of Research of Inclusive Development for Remote Adjunct Faculty in Higher Education
IGI Global Publishing
As the number of adjunct faculty teaching online courses remotely continues to increase, so do the unique challenges they face, including issues of distance, isolation, motivation, time, and compensation, along with a lack adequate institutional support and resources necessary to perform their roles.This comprehensive reference work presents research, theoretical frameworks, instructor perspectives, and program models that highlight effective strategies and unique considerations to foster inclusivity among contingent faculty in the post-pandemic world. https://www.igi-global.com/book/handbook-research-inclusive-development-remote/256916#table-of-contents
Current and Prospective Applications of Virtual Reality in Higher Education
IGI Global Publishing
Virtual reality (VR) has been utilized in diverse fields such as entertainment, medicine, and industry and, in more recent years, VR has been applied in educational settings in order to transform student learning and experiences through such methods as building prototypes using digital devices or exploring new cultures through immersive interactions. This collection highlights a wide range of topics such as gamification, teacher training, and virtual reality to explore VR uses in higher education. https://www.igi-global.com/book/current-prospective-applications-virtual-reality/244631
Emerging Tools and Applications of Virtual Reality in Education
IGI Global - International Publisher of Progressive Academic Research
This title explores the potential and practical uses of virtual reality in classrooms with a focus on instructional outcomes and strategies, current experiments in the use of augmented reality in teaching & effects on students, and the use of technology in teaching the humanities, as technology and communication are covetable in the workforce.
Transformative Perspectives and Processes in Higher Education
Springer Publishing
This book aims to provide insight into the complexities confronting higher education today and to highlight tangible opportunities that exist to address such issues. Higher education needs to respond in more proactive, intentional and innovative ways to remain a relevant cornerstone to society and culture. The collection asks how our collective reality might change if the complexity and uncertainty surrounding us were embraced and leveraged to serve the learner and society - to explore collaborative approaches to individualized learning pathways, networked learning and a reimagined ecosystem of academia. http://www.springer.com/us/book/9783319092461
Service-eLearning: Educating for Citizenship
Information Age Publishing
The goal of this edited collection is to consider how these two educational innovations have and can combine to further encourage civic engagement while meeting the demands of an increasingly global, competitive, and diverse educational marketplace. This collection, defines and addresses the emergent blending of service-learning and eLearning to create a new integrated pedagogical model: service-eLearning. http://www.infoagepub.com/products/Service-eLearning
Let's Connect
If you have a project or idea and would like to collaborate, please contact me below (email/phone checked most frequently)
© 2016